What are the steps in the process of organising?
Describe briefly the steps in the process of organising.
Explain the steps involved in the process of organising.
’Organising is the process of defining and grouping the activities of the enterprise and establishing the authority relationships among them* In the light of this statement, explain the steps in the process of organising.
’Organising involves a series of steps that need to be taken in order to achieve the desired goals’. Explain these steps.
Process of Organising
The following steps are to be undertaken in the organising process:

1.Identification and Division of Work
The first step in the process of organising involves identifying and dividing the work that has to be done in accordance with previously determined plans. Work is divided into manageable tasks, so that duplication can be avoided and workload can be shared among employees.
Once, work has been divided into small and manageable activities, then those activities which are similar in nature, are grouped together. This process is called departmentalization. Departments can be created on the basis of products, functions and territory. This brings specialization in operations.
3.Assignment of Duties
Once the departments are created, each department is placed under the charge of an individual, called departmental head. Then, each job is allocated to an individual, according to his knowledge and skill. There should be a proper match between the nature of jobs and the ability of an individual.
4.Establishing Reporting Relationships
In the organisation, each employee has some authority as well as responsibility. It is necessary that every individual must know whom he has to take orders from and to whom he is answerable. This creates superior subordinate hierarchy and helps in coordinating various activities in the organisation.