Write the parasitic adaptations the parasites have evolved in accordance with their lifestyles

a. Write the parasitic adaptations the parasites have evolved in accordance with their lifestyles.
b. Hosts and parasites tend to co-evolve. Explain.

a. Parasites have evolved the following adaptations.
1.Loss of unnecessary sense organs.
2. Presence of hook/adhesive organs and suckers.
3. Loss of digestive system.
4. High reproductive capacity.
b. In some cases, a parasitic species may evolve with its host taxa. Long-term co-evolution sometimes leads to relatively stable relationship, tending to commensalism or mutualism, as it is in the evolutionary interest of the parasite that its host thrives. A parasite may evolve to become less harmful for its host or a host may evolve to cope with the unavoidable presence of a parasite, to the point that the parasite’s absence causes the host harm.