Write short notes on:
- Sight draft
- Usance draft ’
- Import general manifest
- Dock challan.
Write short notes on:
Sight draft : Sight draft is a kind of bill of exchange wherein the exporter instructs his banker to handover the relevant documents to the importer only against payment.
2. Usance draft : Usance draft is a kind of bill of exchange wherein the exporter instructs his banker to handover the relevant documents to the importer even against acceptance of the bill of exchange.
3. Import general manifest: It is a document which provides complete details regarding the imported goods. The unloading of the cargo takes place on the basis of this document.
4. Dock challan : When all the formalities of the customs are completed, the importer pays the dock charges. The importer specifies the amount of dock dues in a form which is known as dock challan.