Write short notes on the following: (i) Sports sociology

Write short notes on the following:
(i) Sports sociology.
(ii) Socialization through Physical Education Programme.
(iii) Leadership through Physical Education Programme.
(iv) Value Education through Physical Education Programme.
(v) Importance of Olympic Movement.

(i) Sports Sociology : It deals with the relationship between sports and other aspects of society such as family, education, economy, media and religion. Sports is an institutionalized competitive activity that involves vigrous physical exertion or the use of relatively complex physical skills by individuals whereas sociology is the network of relationships. It is the study of people, groups, institutions, human activities, etc. So sports sociology is concerned with social behaviour of persons who are engaged in various sports and games. It is related to both individual and group behaviour.
(ii) Socialization through Physical Education Programme : The programme of physical education provides such a social environment in which socialization of individual as well as groups takes place. Such qualities are developed only through physical education programme. A sound physical education programme which offers wholesome activity, produces well socialised persons, possessing the desirable qualities of integrity, unselfishness, forgiveness, sense of fairness, co-operation and control of emotions etc. The playground is a laboratory for developing these social qualities and characteristics.
(iii) Leadership through Physical Education Programme :
(a) Emotionally balanced : A leader must have control on his emotions.-If the emotional characteristics like fear, anger, jealousy and anxiety are present in a leader then it always hinders the implementation of any programme. Sports gives wide variety of experiences and feelings of joy, success, pain, relief and feeling of belonging with the help of which he learns tolerance and patience and has a good control over his emotions.
(b) Sociable and confident: Various social qualities and characteristics are learnt through social interactions in sports field. Sports prepares the athlete to learn to face odd situations and develop self¬confidence and courage. Group participation always enhances spirit of competitiveness, confidence, courage and sportsmanship.
© Loyal and sincere : He must be loyal to the followers and do sincere efforts for their progress. His behaviour should be such that he should be an example for others. Honesty and sincere efforts go a long way in leading a group towards the right path.
(d) Good organizer : Leader acts as an organizer and distributes the work among followers without any partiality. This quality helps the group to work in a systematic manner. It also saves energy and time. The planning should be done in advance so that it is better executed.
(iv) Value Education through Physical Education Programme : The development of values such as co-operation, self¬discipline justice, equality, self-respect, respecting, others, respect of authority, hardwork, team work honesty, emotional control and self-confidence etc., are the outcome of participation in games and sports. These values modify our habits, behaviour, ideas and thoughts. The programme of physical education includes many activities which develop the following values :
Social adjustment: A player has the ability to adjust well with every member of society, his family, team, coach, officials, opponents and spectators. A good sportsman behaves well with everyone.
Sympathetic attitude : Whenever anybody is in problem (injury or accident) a good sportsman comes up for help. Such type of sympathetic attitude is seen often during matches when someone gets hurt.
(v) Importance of Olympic movement: The urge to determine, strive and achieve finds true manifestation at the ‘Olympics’. It is the largest platform in the world where better of the best human beings watch the exemplary feats of human achievement and thus bring glory and pride to their country as well as to be their own self. Olympics are considered to be the grandest spectacle of human spirit in action. The goal of Olympic movement is to contribute to building a peaceful and better world by educating the youth through sports practised without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play.