Write an Essay on Healthy Food Habits

Write an Essay on Healthy Food Habits

In the 21st century, people are facing issues such as obesity, stress, diabetes, heart related problems etc. These are nothing but life style related problems and diseases. A health and disciplined routine with good food habits can help stay away from these health issues in today’s time.

Eat regularly

A lot of people in order to lose weight, stop eating at regular interval. Improper dieting takes a toll on your health in long run which results in severe other side effects

Eat multiple meals and small quantity

Rather than eating two very large meals a day, it is always better to have small quantities of meals about four to six times a day depending on the physical and mental activity levels.

Do not watch TV while

A research suggests that if you eat while watching TV, you tend to eat more. This is due to the fact that your focus is in television and not the amount of food that you are eating.

Eat balanced meals

Always eat balanced meals which are good sources of proteins, vitamins and nutritional values that our bodies require on a daily basis.