Write a note on the scope of human geography?
Human Geography is the study of inter-relationship between the physical environment and social, economical and cultural environment created by human beings. Physical environment has not only been modified by humans but has also affected them. Humans use natural resources to satisfy their needs and wants with the help of technology. Some examples of elements of material culture created by humans using the resources provided by nature are
- Agriculture : By using land, water resources and animals, humans have developed and expanded cultivation to fulfil their requirement of food.
- Industry : With the help of minerals and energy resources along with technology, humans have built industries for their growth and development.
- Transport : Humans constructed roads and railways by using natural sources. They use oceans and rivers as easy and efficient means of transport.
- Settlement : Humans use various natural resources such as wood and metals to build houses, roads and other civic amenities to develop large settlements.
We can thus say that the scope of Human Geography is wide and it varies from region to region. However, it is concerned mainly with the principle of studying relationships between humans and their physical environment.