Write a note on the role of Pulithevar in the anti-British rebellion

Write a note on the role of Pulithevar in the anti-British rebellion

Pulithevar and the Marava Palayakkarars of the western bloc stood firm against the British. Col Heron decided to deal with the Maravas family. Col Heron tried to change the mind of Pulithevar by diplomatic moves and by show of force. But he failed in his attempts. Pulithevar proceeded to consolidate his position by organizing the marava Palayakkarars of the west into a strong confederacy.

He also attempted to get the support of Haider Ali of Mysore and the French against the British. The British approached Ramnad, Pudukottai and the Dutch for help. Haider Ali couldn’t help Pulithevar due to Mysore Maratha struggle. Yusuf khan (Khan Sahib) was entrusted by the British with the duty of tacking Pulithevar and his allies.

Pulithevar attacked Madurai and captured it from Mahfuz khan. Pulithevar’s military success had no parallel. The native ruler triumphed against the British. It is a clear demonstration of the Marava might and the heroism of the patriots.

But Yusuf Khan recaptured Madurai. With the help of the Palayakkarars of the eastern block and the king of Travancore, Yusuf Khan had many nictories. After fierce battles, Nerkakattumseval was attacked in 1759. In 1767 this city was captured by col Campbell.

Pulithevar escaped and died in exited without finally fulfilling his purpose of checking the growth of the British influence. Although his attempt ended in failure, he leaves a valiant trail of a struggle for independence in the history of South India.