With the help of a diagram explain the experiment conducted by Joseph

With the help of a diagram explain the experiment conducted by Joseph Priestley. Give its conclusions.


  • Joseph Priestley conducted an experiment to determine the importance of air for the growth of green plants.
  • He conducted a series of experiments in which he placed a burning candle and a mouse in a bell jar, such that no air could leave or enter the jar.
  • He observed that in this set, the mouse died of suffocation.
  • In the next set, he placed a mint plant along with the mouse and burning candle in the jar. Here, the mouse did not suffocate and lived, and the candle kept on burning.
  • Based on these sets of the experiment, Priestley concluded that
  1. Animals which breathe air or a burning candle damaged the air in some way.
  2. Green plants restore to the air whatever the burning candle or breathing animals remove.