With example of sugarcane explain the independence of all the three sectors of economy

With example of sugarcane explain the independence of all the three sectors of economy.

THE primary sector involves production at the most basic level i.e. through exploitation of natural resources. Cultivation of sugarcane is an agricultural activity which comes under the primary sector. Raw materials from the primary sector are converted into processed goods through manufacturing in the secondary sector. Using sugarcane as raw material jaggry and sugar is made in the factories. The Tertiary or service sector provides support to the process of production. It includes transportation storage, marketing and sale of products. For instance; transportation of sugarcane from the fields to the sugar mills. Further on the transportation of jaggiy and sugar from factories and sugar mills to the markets. The Farmer (Primary Sector) also needs fertilizers and seeds which are processed in some factory (Secondary Sector) and which will be delivered to his doorstep by some means of transportation (Tertiary Sector).
In this way, for every little process there is an interdependence of the three sectors of economy on each other.