Why have the historians describe the 19th century indenture as a new system of slavery? Explain any five reasons.
- INDENTURED labour was a type of bondage or contract labour in which labourers were employed for stipulated period to work under contract.
Reasons for why it can be described as a new system of slavery:
- Many migrants agreed to take up works to escape poverty and oppression in their home village. They were cheated and were provided false information regarding wage, destination and work culture and working condition.
- Migrants were not even told they have to go on long voyage and sometimes agents forcibly abducted less willing workers.
- The task assigned to them on plantation was extremely heavy and could not be completed in a day. They were given rigorous punishment for not completing the given task.
- Wages were deducted if the work was considered unsatisfactorily or failing to complete it.
- Living and work conditions were harsh and there were very few legal rights to protect labourers.
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