Whom did Gandhi made responsible for the depletion of resources at the global level?

Whom did Gandhi made responsible for the depletion of resources at the global level?

Gandhiji voiced his concern about resource conservation in these words, “there is enough for everybody’s need and not for anybody’s greed.” He placed the greedy and selfish individuals as the root cause for resource depletion at the global level. He was against mass production and wanted to replace it with the production by the masses.

  1. Indiscriminate use of resources by human beings has led to the depletion of resources for satisfying the greed of few individuals.
  2. Irrational consumption and over utilisation of resources leads to socio-economic and environmental problems.

Gandhiji voiced his concern about resource conservation in these Words: “There is enough far everybody’s need and not for anybody’s greed.” He placed the greedy and selfish individuals as the root cause for resource depletion at the global level. He was against ‘mass production’ and wanted to replace it with ‘production by the masses’.

  1. Indiscriminate use of resources by human beings has led to the depletion of resources for satisfying the greed of few individuals.
  2. Irrational consumption and over-utilization of resources leads to socio-economic and environmental problems