Which to of the following are not co-terminal with r degree?

which to of the following are not co-terminal with r degree?
A. 360 degree+ r degree
B.r degree +360 degree
C.360 degree - r degree
D. r degree+ 180 degree

i know for sure D is not coterminal but someone said C also isn’t but didn’t explain why it isnt
can someone help me understand ?


Assuming the question has 2 answers ( C and D),
To be coterminal, the angle must have the format of r+k.360, not –r+k.360. Here, k can be both negative and positive integer. Coterminal angles must have the same terminal side.If you graph C which is a positive angle, you can see that r and 360-r do not end at the same point. So, C is also not coterminal.