Which of the following is NOT a solution to x – 3y = 12?

Which of the following is NOT a solution to x – 3y = 12?

a. (0, -4) b. (12, 0) c. (-6, -6) d. (1, -11/3) e. (-9, 1)


Here x - 3y = 12
Substituting in the left
(0,-4) => 0 -3(-4) = 12
(12,0) => 12 -0 = 12
(-6,-6) => -6 -3(-6) = -6 + 18 = 12
(1,-11/) => 1 -3(-11/3) = 1+11 = 12
(-9,1) => -9 -3(1) = -9 -3 = -12
Only the last pair does not give 12.
hence it is not a solution
Option ) is the right answer