Which countries or nations never in their history had slavery?

Which countries or nations never in their history had slavery?


In short, no, there is no nation that has never had slavery. In almost every civilization, captured prisoners from battles or raids were almost always forced to work as laborers or servants within the enemy society and had very few rights or liberties. There is no recorded case of any region in the world that has not had slaves, as it is an almost universal trait in most early civilizations.

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Russia, Denmark and Switzerland never participated in the slave trade.

The French colonial administration declared the abolition of slavery in Mauritania in 1905, but the size of Mauritania prevented it from being implemented. In 1981, Mauritania became the last country in the world to abolish slavery,

True with the moderator’s comment on the post. If you see slavery only as Blacks vs Whites and the American slave trade, then we’d be able to name more than a hundred countries. But if you see slavery in civilizational sense, it would be extremely difficult to name tribes or countries that hasn’t practiced in slavery. Slavery in multiple dimensions and forms have been the bedrock of any thriving civilization - be it the Egyptian civilization or the recent imperial powers like the British empire and later the USA. It was only later with the increase in levels of human consciousness with democracy, human rights, individual rights that slavery and any form of human oppression has been seen as a crime although they still continue in various forms.