When the Parliament is in session, there is a special programme everyday on Doordarshan about the proceedings in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. Watch the proceedings or read about them in the newspapers and note the following
(a) Powers of the two Houses of Parliament
(b) Role of the Speaker
© Role of the Opposition
(a) Powers of the two Houses of Parliament The Lok Sabha members arc directly elected by the voters and are the final voice in the passing of any laws.
The Rajya Sabha members are indirectly elected or nominated and they function mostly in an advisory capacity. But the consent of both Houses is required for passing any bill, making i law or making amendments . to the Constitution.
(b) Role of the Speaker (Lok Sabha)
The Speaker’s main functions are
- Regulate the proceedings of the Houses.
- Maintain discipline in the House and to interpret its rules of procedure.
- Supervise parliamentary committees.
- Permit the moving of various kinds of motions and resolutions like the motion of no confidence, motion of adjournment, motion of censure, etc.
© Role of the Opposition The major function of the opposition is to act as a check on the ruling party, so that any faults of theirs are exposed and any mistakes made by the
ruling party can be corrected.
They can even bring a no-confidence motion against the government if it is seen to be not functioning properly.