What were the contributions of Surendranath Banerjee?

What were the contributions of Surendranath Banerjee?

The following were the contributions of Surendranath Banerjee towards the Indian national movement:

  1. In order to orchestrate an organised fight against unjust British policies, Surendranath Banerjee formed the Indian Association in 1876. Main aim of the organisation was to spread education, to create public opinion on political issues in the country and to create political consciousness and unity.
  2. In order to create an all-India political organisation, he convened the Indian National Conference in 1883 at Kolkata. It merged with Indian National Congress in 1886. Banerjee presided over two sessions of the Congress in 1895 and 1902.
  3. Banerjee edited a newspaper ‘Bengalee’ through which he mobilized public opinion to a great extent. He wrote the book, ‘Nation in the Making’ which highlights his ideas about self government.
  4. Banerjee started an agitation against the License Act, Arms Act, Vernacular Press Act, and against the lowering of the age from 21 to 19 years for I.C.S. examinations. He opposed the Morley-Minto reforms of 1909 and had also campaigned against the partition of Bengal in 1905.