What were the achievements of the Early Nationalists?

What were the achievements of the Early Nationalists?

The following were the achievements of the Early Nationalists:

  1. The Early Nationalists fostered the concept of ‘nation’ in the minds of Indians. This made the Indian populace conscious of the bonds of common political, economic and cultural interests that united them.
  2. They trained people in modern liberal political activity by popularising the ideas of democracy, civil liberties, secularism and nationalism.
  3. They exposed the true nature of the British Empire and highlighted the economic exploitation India was going through.
  4. Their political and economic programmes established the fact that India should be ruled in accordance with the interests of Indians.
  5. The efforts of the early nationalists bore fruit in terms of the following reforms:
  • Appointment of a Public Service Commission in 1886.
  • A resolution of the House of Commons (1893) for simultaneous examination for the I.C.S. in London and India.
  • Appointment of the Welby Commission on Indian Expenditure (1895).
  • The Indians Councils Act of 1892.