What is the magnetic field strength at point 1 in the figure

What is the magnetic field strength at point 1 in the figure
What is the magnetic field direction at point 1 in the figure?
What is the magnetic field strength at point 2 in the figure?
What is the magnetic field direction at point 2 in the figure?
What is the magnetic field strength at point 3 in the figure?
What is the magnetic field direction at point 3 in the figure?



Correct Answer:

At point 1, with the use of RHR top wire (out of page), bottom wire (into page)
B= u_0*I/2pir
(u_0(10amps)/2pi(.02m)) - (u_o(10amps)/2pi(.06m)) = 6.7x10^-5
Overall, the top wire is stronger (due to it being closer) so out of page.

At point 2: both wires are making (into the page), because it is the same distance and current if you find the magnetic field of one multiply it by 2
B= u_0(10amps)/2pi(.02m)
x2 = 2x10^-4
since both go into the page they don’t fight each other, overall it is into the page.

At point 3:
bottom wire (out of page), top wire ( in to page), over all is out of page (bottom stronger)
B is the same as part one because distances and current are equal, just in oppisite directions.