What is the importance of election in a democratic country?

What is the importance of election in a democratic country?
Give any two challenges which came in a way of conducting free and fair election in India along with the remedial measures for the same.

Elections are important in a democratic country because it is through elections that people elect their own representatives. Elections enable voters to select leaders and to hold them accountable for their performance in office. If the elected leaders do not perform according to the expectations of the people, the latter may replace them in the next elections by not voting for them.

Two challenges which came in a way of conducting free and fair election in India:

  • Use of money and muscle power
  • Fake voting

Remedial Measures:

  • The Election Commission should only allow a particular amount of money to be spent by political parties for election purposes.
  • Voters should be allowed to vote only after producing valid government generated photo identity cards.