“The power sharing” arrangements in our country is mainly based on the quasi federal nature of federation. The Indian constitution provided a “three fold distribution” of legislative powers between the union government and the state government known as ‘Three List System’.
- Union List
- State List
- Concurrent List
(i) Union list—‘Union list’ contains 97 subjects of national importance.
• The union legislature legislates the subjects of union list.
• Defence,foreign affairs, banking, communications and currency are examples of the union list.
(ii) **State list—**State list contains 66 subjects of local importance’.
• The state legislature assembly legislates on the subjects of state legislature.
• Police, trade, commerce, agriculture and irrigation.
(iii) **Concurrent List—**Concurrent List contains 47 subjects which are important for both the union and state government.
• On the concurrent list subject both union and the state legislature can legislate but in the case of conflict only union law prevails.
• Subjects like, education, forests, trade unions, marriages, adoption and succession are the examples of concurrent list.