What is IOC and IOA ?
IOC is the governing body of the Olympic movement. It is a non-profit, non governmental organisation based in Switzerland. The council also ensures the regular celebration of the Olympic games, supports all affiliated members organisations of the Olymic movement and strongly encourages, by appropriate means, the promotion of the Olympic values.
Functions of I.O.C. :
(i) To encourage and support the promotion of ethics in sports as well as education of youth through sports and to dedicate its efforts in ensuring that, in sport, the spirit of fair play prevails and violence is banned.
(ii) To act against any form of discrimination affecting the Olympic movement.
(iii) To lead the fight against doping in sports.
(iv) To take action in order to strengthen the unity and to protect the independence of the Olympic movement.
(v) To encourage and support the efforts of sports organizations and public authorities to provide for social and professional future of athletes.
(vi) To encourage and support the organization, development and co-ordination of sports and sports competitions.
(vii) To ensure regular celebration of the Olympic Games.
(viii) To promote a positive legacy from Olympic Games to the host cities and host countries.
(ix) To encourage and support initiatives blending sport with culture and education.
(x) To elect the host city of the Olympic Games. The I.O.C. executive board consists of the president, four vice presidents and ten other members. All members of executive board are elected by the session, in a secret ballot, by a majority of votes cast. The I.O.G.-executive board assumes the general overall responsibility for the administration of I.O.C. and the management of its affairs.
Indian Olympic Association : It plays a key role in the selection and participation of Indian sportspersons in the Olympic Games as well as Commonwealth Games and Asian Games. Sir Dorabji Tata along with YMCA India Director Dr. A.G. Noehren, played a pivotal role in fostering the Olympic ; movement in India as well as in the formation of I.O.A. In 1927, the I.O.A. was constituted with Sir Dorabji Tata as its first president and Dr. Noehren as secretary. In the same year, the International Olympic Committee officially recognised I.O.A. as India’s National Olympic Organization. In addition to the national federations for each sport, there are State Olympic Associations in various states in the country. The Indian Olympic Association is entrusted with the overall responsibility for India’s participation in the Olympic Games. Besides the world events, I.O.A. also decides the organization of National games.
Functions of I.O.A.:
- To develop and protect the Olympic movement and amateur sports.
- To enforce and defend the exclusive rights of the Association to the use of Olympic flag andOlympic insignia.
- To enforce all rules and regulations of the
4 To certify the amateur status of the competitors from India for international competitions. - In co-orperation with national sports, federations/Associations organize and control selection, training, coaching of the teams that will represent india.
- To undertake with assistance of the National Sports Federations (NSFs), the financial management transportation, maintenance and welfare of teams from India taking part in Olympic games and other games, under the patronages of the I.O.C.
- To promote and encourage physical, moral, cultural education of youth of the nation for the development of character, good health and good citizenship.
- To take disciplinary action against any federation for misbehaviour or any other undesirable activity bringing discredit to the country.