What could be the possible reason for the intense pain felt by Sita?

Sita had some guests visiting on Sunday evening. While serving them tea from the kettle, a gush of steam suddenly burns her fingers and she feels intense pain. Her mother asks her to keep her fingers under running tap water. After sometime, the pain subsides.
Answer the following questions based on the above information.

  1. What could be the possible reason for the intense pain felt by Sita?
  2. Why does her mother ask her to keep her fingers under tap water?
  3. What values are promoted by Sita’s mother?
  1. The temperature of steam is very high, because of which the skin tissues burn and Sita felt the intense pain.
  2. By keeping the fingers under tap water, the temperature of the fingers will decrease and the skin tissue will not be damaged further. That’s why, mother of Sita asked her to do so.
  3. The values promoted by Sita’s mother are presence of mind and caring nature.