What are the steps to check soil erosion?

What are the steps to check soil erosion?

The following measures can be taken to prevent soil erosion and ensure soil conservation:

Terrace Farming - On hilly slopes, terraces act as bunds and prevent the soil from being washed away by running water. Terrace farming is practiced with successful results in Japan, South-East Asia and the USA.
Shelter Belts - Peasants plant trees in several rows to reduce wind erosion. They are called ‘wind breaks’.
Contour Ploughing - Ploughing along contours on a slope prevents soil being washed away by rains or by surface run off. Contours act like bunds. Terraces are leveled into step-like small fields with even slopes. Contour ploughing is common in countries like Japan, China and some of the South-East Asian countries.
Strip Cropping - In this system, crops are grown in alternate strips of land in order to check the effect of the winds.
Construction of Dams - Rivers are known to cause soil erosion. Dams are built in the upper course of the rivers in order to control the erosion of soil.