The properties of hormones are
(a) They are synthesized and secreted by living glandular cells within the body.
(b) They are transported by blood stream to serve as chemical messengers which act on target cells.
© They have low molecular weight.
(d) They do not provide energy but they do have effects on growth differentiation and metabolic activities of their target cells.
(e) They are effective in low concentration.
(f) They may accelerate or inhibit physiological process.
(g) Their excess or deficiency leads to disorders.
Differences between Hormone and Enzyme :
Hormone :
- They are produced at one site and are passed through blood to another site for action.
- They have low molecular weight.
- They may accelerate or retard the specific reactions.
- They are effective in low concentration.
Enzymes :
1.They may act at site where they are produced or carried to another site for action.
2.They have high molecular weight.
3.They speed up the reactions.
4.They are effective in low concentration and can increase the reaction with an increase in the concentration.