“The life of pastoralists was changed dramatically under colonial rule." Support this statement with five points

“The life of pastoralists was changed dramatically under colonial rule." Support this statement with five points.

The ways in which life of pastoralists was changed were as follows :

  1. The colonial state transformed many grazing lands into cultivated farms to increase land revenue.
  2. Waste Land Rules were enacted in various parts of the country, by which uncultivated lands were taken over and given to selected individuals for cultivation.
  3. By the mid-19th century, various Forest Acts were also being enacted in the different provinces.
  4. No pastoralist was allowed access to ‘Reserved’ forests, while their grazing rights were severely restricted in ‘Protected’ forests.
  5. The Criminal Tribes Act, passed in 1871, did not allow the pastoralists to move out without a permit. Pastoralists had to pay tax on every animal grazing on the pastures.
  6. Thus, due to given reasons their lives were dramatically changed.