“Telecom services are regarded as backbone of Trade commerce and Industry”. In the light of this statement explain briefly various telecom services contributing to business growth.
Various telecom services facilitating business are:
(a) Cellular Moblie Services : These include all types of mobile telecom services including voice and non-voice messages, data services, PCO (Public cell operator) services utilizing any types of network equipment within their service area.
(b) Radio Paging Services: Its a means of transmitting recorded information to the receivers even when they are mobile through paying formats like tone only, numeric only and alpha-numeric.
© Cable service: These include linkages and switched services within a lincensed area of operation to operate media services which are essentially one way entertainment related services.
(d) Very small Aperture Terminal Services : They are satellite based communication services which are highly flexible, uninterrupted and reliable communication solution for applications such as online newspaper, Tel-medidne, and Tele¬education even in the most remote areas of our country.
(e) Direct to Home (DTH) Services : Under it media services can be received directly through satellite with the help of small Dish Antenna and a Set Top Box. It can be viewed on our television without being dependent on this services provided by the cable Network Service Provider.