State the administration of ‘Kraus-Weber Fitness Test.’
The Kraus-Weber Test of Minimum Muscular Fitness has six components. This test measures several large muscle groups for flexibility and strength. The higher the degree oT test rating, the greater presumably is the muscular function and strength of the body as a whole. This test of Minimum fitness helps to measure a number of different muscle groups with regard to their strength and flexibility. The more the ratings are the greater is your level of fitness and the better will be the muscles in the body function.
The Test is done as follows :
• Kraus Weber Test No. 1 : With his feet held on the ground by the examiner, the subject lies flat on his back with his hands behind the neck. Perform one sit-up.
• Kraus Weber Test No. 2 : The subject is in the same position except that his knees are bent with his ankles close to the buttocks. Perform one sit-up.
• Kraus Weber Test No. 3 : The subject lies flat on his back with his hands behind his neck. The legs are lifted 10 inches off the floor. Hold this position for 10 seconds.
• Kraus Weber Test No. 4 : The subject lies on his stomach with a pillow under his lower abdomen and groin. The examiner holds his feet down. Lift head, shoulders, and chest off the floor and hold for 10 seconds.
• Kraus Weber Test No. 5 : The subject’s position is the same, but the examiner holds the chest down. With knees straight, lift legs off floor and hold for 10 seconds.
• Kraus Weber Test No. 6 : The subject stands erect, barefooted, and with feet together.
The examiner holds the knees straight. Bend over slowly and touch the floor with the fingertips. Hold this position for 3 seconds. An individual using this test has clear-cut evidence of increase or decrease in flexibility and strength.