State any three ill- effects of poverty. Also mention some solutions to remove this

State any three ill- effects of poverty. Also mention some solutions to remove this.

The state or condition of having little or no money, goods or means of support and deficiency of necessary or desirable ingredients is known as poverty.

Poverty has its ill effects which are as follows :

Malnutrition and Insufficient Diet Poverty is the leading cause of insufficient diet and inadequate nutrition. The resources of poor people are very limited, and its effect can be seen in their diet.

Poor Living Condition They do not get proper living conditions. They have to fight the hardship of poverty to secure food, clothes and shelter. A large number of poor families live in houses with one room only.

Unemployment Since poor people are mostly illiterate and unskilled, there are very few employment opportunities open for them. Due to unemployment, many poor people are forced to live an unfulfilled life.

Measures to Remove Poverty

Measures to remove poverty are as follows:

  1. Farmers should be given agricultural inputs to increase productivity as large number of farmers are poor.
  2. Family planning schemes should be introduced as small family leads to better living conditions.
  3. Corruption must end and our offices should work efficiently so that poor people could enjoy government facilities.