State any 5 impacts of the 3 movements started by Gandhiji

State any 5 impacts of the 3 movements started by Gandhiji( i.e. the Non-Coorporation Movement, Civil Disobedience Movement, Quit India Movement)

Impact of the Non Coorporation Movement:

  • It made the national movement as a mass movement as people from every professionadn walks of life participated in the movement.
  • It generated the desire for freedom among the people and inspired them to challenge the colonial rule.
  • It fostered the Hindu Muslim unity
  • The concept of Swadeshi and the boycott of foreign goods gave impetus to the handicraft and local industries

Impact of the Civil Disobedience Movement:

  • Though the movement did not brought freedom to the country, it played an important role in deepening the freedom struggle of the people.

  • The movement widened the base of the freedom struggle as people from different classes including workers, merchants, tribals and women participated in it.

  • The Government realised the need for passing the constitutional reforms and thus passed Government of India Act, 1935 which introduced the principles of Federation and Provincial autonomy.

Impact of the Quit India Movement:

  • Though the Movement was short lived, the people developed greater ability to struggle and sacrifice.
  • It became evident that the British no longer would be able to rule India.
  • The movement signified the mass uprising of the people. People from every state, class, caste, sex and creed participated in the Movement.
  • The Quit India Movement strengthened the Congress Socialist Party and its leader, Jai Prakash Narayan became a legendary figure. The party continued to function underground.