Sporozoans are parasitic protozoan protists which lack locomotory organelles at least in trophozoite stage

Sporozoans are parasitic protozoan protists which lack locomotory organelles at least in trophozoite stage.
(i) Where are they found? (ii) What kind of nutrition they have?
(iii) Do they have nucleus? (iv) What is the made of reproduction?
(v) List any four examples of sporozoans.

(i) Sporozoans are intracellular endoparasites of invertebrates and vertebrates.
(ii) They possess nutrition mostly absorptive type and rarely digestive.
(iii) Sporozoans are commonly uninucleate.
(iv) Asexual reproduction occurs by multiple fission and sexual reproduction involves fusion of gametes.
(v) Examples Plasmodium, Toxoplasma, Monocystis and Eimeria.