Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow by choosing the correct options.
(A) “Monseigneur the Bishop is a … ahem!”
(a) Why does Persome not complete the sentence?
(i) She used to stammer while speaking.
(ii) She was about to praise the Bishop.
(iii) She did not wish to criticise the Bishop in front of Marie.
(iv) She had a habit of passing such remarks.
(b) Why is she angry with the Bishop?
(i) The Bishop has sold her salt-cellars.
(ii) The Bishop has gone to visit Mere Gringoire.
(iii) He showed extra concern for Marie.
(iv) She disliked the Bishop.
(B) “She sent little Jean to’Monseigneur to ask for help.”
(a) Who sent little Jean to the Bishop?
(i) Mere Gringoire (ii) Marie
(iii) Persome (iv) Marie’s mother
(b) Why did she send Jean to the Bishop?
(i) So that he could pray for her.
(ii) As she knew that he was a generous person.
(iij) As she was a greedy woman.
(iv) As she was a poor woman.
© “I offered to take her in here for a day or two, but she seemed to think it might distress you.”
(a) The Bishop wanted to take Mere Gringoire
in because
(i) she was sick
(ii) she had no money
(iii) she was unable to pay the rent of her house
(iv) she was a close friend of Persome
(b) Persome would be distressed on Mere
Gringoire’s being taken in because
(i) she did not want to help anyone
(ii) she felt that Mere Gringoire was taking undue advantage of the Bishop
(iii) she was a self-centred person
(iv) she would be put to a great deal of inconvenience
(A) (a) (iii) She did not wish to criticise the Bishop in front of Marie.
(b) (i) The Bishop has sold her salt-cellars.
(B) (a) (i)Mere Gringoire
(b) (ii) As she knew that he was a generous person,
© (a) (iii)she was unable to pay the rent of her house
(b) (ii) she felt that Mere Gringoire was taking undue advantage of the Bishop