Rank the following elements by electron affinity, from most positive to most negative value

Rank the following elements by electron affinity, from most positive to most negative value. Rank from most positive to most negative. To rank items as equivalent, overlap them. Neon,potassium,phosphorous,tellurium,bromine.

Concepts and reason
Electron affinity is an energy that is released during the addition of an electron to the neutral atom in its gaseous state to form a negatively charged ion. Inert gases have the most positive electron affinity values, since they are inert in nature.
General concept:


  • In the modern periodic table, inert gases have the most positive electron affinity values while the VIIA group elements have the most negative electron affinity values, as they achieve inert gas configuration.
  • In periods, the main group elements’ electron affinity increases from left to right while the groups’ electron affinity decreases from top to bottom.
  • In groups, electron affinity decreases from top to bottom because the number of electrons increases in the atom as we go down a column. Then, repulsion forces increase between the newly joined electron and the valence electrons present in the larger orbitals of the atom.


Given atoms are neon, potassium, phosphorous, tellurium, and bromine
We know that inert gas elements have the most positive electron affinity values and the VIIA group elements have the most negative electron affinity values in the modern periodic table. Therefore,Ne has the most positive electron affinity value Br and has the most negative electron affinity value among the given elements.

Potassium has a more positive electron affinity value than phosphorous, since electron affinity decreases from top to bottom and increases from left to right in periodic the table. In the same way, tellurium has a more negative electron affinity than potassium and phosphorus.

Electron affinity values are compared for the given elements by using their behavior in period and groups in a modern periodic table. From the modern periodic table, it is clear that Ne belongs to inert gas group elements while Br in VIIA group element needs an electron to get inert gas configuration. Therefore, VIIA group elements readily capture the electrons and release the energy.
In groups, electron affinity from top to bottom decreases because the number of electrons increase in an atom as we go down through a column. Then, repulsion forces increase between the newly joined electron and the valence electrons present in the larger orbitals of the atom.

The comparisons made in step1

  1. Ne has the most positive electron affinity value and Br has the most negative electron affinity
    value among the given elements.
  2. Potassium has a more positive electron affinity value than phosphorous.
  3. Tellurium has a more negative electron affinity value than potassium and phosphorus.

The electron affinity of the given elements from the most positive electron affinity value to the most electronegative value is as follows:
The electron affinity order of the given elements from the most positive value to the most negative
values of electron affinity is as follows: