Radheshyam is a prosperous farmer. He happily ensures.that the cow-dung and other biological wastes in his home are sent to the nearby bio-gas plant of the village. He receives subsidised fuel for home and manure for his crops from there and his field shows good output. Maniram is surprised that despite using expensive fertilisers, his output barely matches that of Radheshyam. However, he never goes and discusses it with Radheshyam.
Read the above passage and answer the following questions.
(i) How does Radheshyam get manure from the bio-gas plant?
(ii) Throw light on values of Radheshyam.
(iii) What values are shown by Maniram?
(i) The left over slurry after extracting bio-gas is used as manure.
(ii) Radheshyam has a modern oudook. He is scientific, environment concerned and active person.
(iii) Maniram is backward and unaware farmer.