Provide a structure for the following compound:
IR: 1743 cm-1;
1H NMR spectrum:
Concepts and reason
1H NMR Spectroscopy:
It is a tool used to determine organic compound structures. By using this tool on an external magnetic field, it determines different types of hydrogens (chemically non-equivalent hydrogens) present in a molecule.
Infrared Spectroscopy (IR):
Infrared spectroscopy is an important analytical tool to determine the functional groups in the chemical compounds. It is also called as vibrational spectroscopy. Any compound having covalent bonds absorbs a range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation in the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum. IR radiations lie in the wavelength range of 400 - 800 nm.
1H NMR Spin-Spin Coupling Patterns:
The degree of Unsaturation:
The correct structure for the most deshielded hydrogens with triplet is