Points A(1,2), B(-1,-16) and C(0,- 7) lie on the graph of the linear equation y=9x - 7

Show that the points A(1,2), B(-1, - 16) and C(0, - 7) lie on the graph of the linear equation y = 9x - 7.

Given, linear equation can be written as
9x - y = 7…(i)
On putting x = 1 and y = 2 in LHS, we get
LHS = 9(1) - 2 = 9- 2= 7 = RHS
So, the point A (1,2) lies on the graph of given equation.
On putting x = -1 and y = -16 in LHS, we get
LHS = 9(-1) - (-16) = - 9 + 16=7 = RHS
So, the point B (-1, -16) lies on the graph of given equation.
Again, putting x = 0 and y = -7 in LHS, we get
LHS = 9(0) - (-7) = 0 + 7 = 7 = RHS
So, the point C(0, -7) also lies on the graph of the given equation.