Pick up a few packaged goods that you want to buy and examine the information given. In what ways are they useful? Is there some information that you think should be given on those packaged goods but is not? Discuss.
The information given on the package can he useful as follows
(i) Maximum Retail Price (MRP) The seller cannot ask you to pay more than this amount.
(ii) Expiry date and date of manufacture You can tell whether the product is old and also whether you can
safely use it.
(iii) Ingredients used You should know what is used in making the product so that, in case some ingredient does not suit your health condition, you can avoid it. Examples are sugar for diabetes and salt for high blood pressure patients.
(iv)Address of manufacturer If the product is defective and the seller does not replace it, you can contact the manufacturer for redressal of your complaint.
On all products, especially medicine and food items, additional information regarding safe and proper use should be mentioned. Usually this is not mentioned.