One day Neil connected many household high power appliances having a current rating

One day Neil connected many household high power appliances having a current rating more than 6 A to a multiple of 6 A rating. When he was about to switch them on, his older sister shouted and asked him to remove the appliances from a single socket.
Read the above passage and answer the following questions.
(i) According to you, why she would not advice to connect multi-high power appliances on a single socket?
(ii) What would have happened, if he switched them on?
(iii) What was the value shown by Neil’s sister?

(i) Connecting too many appliances to a single socket can cause overloading.
(ii) A large amount of current would have flown through the circuit beyond permissible value, i.e. 6 A. Due to overloading, the wires of the circuit get heated. It may also cause fire.
(iii) The value shown by Neil’s sister is the knowledge of appliances, concern for her bother and presence of mind.