One day Lucky’s mother after taking meal felt pain and irritation in her stomach.His father was out of station. He was an intelligent boy. He remembered his teacher’s statement and gave her mother
some baking soda solution, which gave her a relief from pain and irritation of stomach.
Read the above passage and answer the following questions
(i) Which information given by the teacher helped him to select the baking soda as remedy?
(ii) Suggest any other substance that can be used as a remedy instead of baking soda.
(iii) State any two values that you have learned from this passage.
(i) The excess acid in the stomach causes indigestion which produces pain and irritation.
In order to cure indigestion and get rid of pain, one can take baking soda solution, which have no toxic effects on the body.
(ii) Milk of magnesia can be used as a remedy instead of baking soda.
(iii) The values gain by the given passage are:
(a) Careful learning in the class.
(b) Use of right knowledge at the right place.