On the notice board of ultrasound clinics it is generally stated. “Here prenatal sex determination

On the notice board of ultrasound clinics it is generally stated. “Here prenatal sex determination and disclosure of sex (boy or girl before birth) of foetus is not done. It is prohibited and punishable under law”.
(a) List two advantages of imposing ban on prenatal sex determination.
(b) What can students do to educate the society about the following?

  1. The ill-effects of indiscriminate female foeticide.
  2. Adopting small family norms.

(a) Two Advantages:

  1. Child sex ratio of 1 boy: 1 girl in population size is maintained.
  2. Female foeticide becomes difficult in society.


  1. Students can aware people about rackless female foeticide.
  2. Adopt small family to be happy.