On cutting the body of an organism into many pieces it was observed that many of these pieces developed as new individuals

On cutting the body of an organism into many pieces it was observed that many of these pieces developed as new individuals. Name the process and list two organisms in which this process may be observed. Draw a schematic diagram to illustrate the changes that are likely to be observed during the development of new individuals in any one of the organisms named.

Regeneration: It is defined as the ability of a fully differentiated organisms to give rise to new individual organisms from their body parts.

Individual is somehow cut or broken up into many pieces, many of these pieces grow into separate individuals. Example: simple animals like Hydra and Planaria and Amoeba can cut into any number of pieces and each piece grows into a complete organisms.

Regeneration is carried out by specialized cells. These cells proliferate and make large number of cells. From the mass cells, different cells undergo changes to become different cell types and tissues.