Observe the following part of a flowering plant. Prepare a note

Observe the following part of a flowering plant. Prepare a note.

A. The given diagram is the structure of ovule which is present in the ovary (carpel) of
plant. .

  1. An ovule is an egg shaped structure attached by a stalk (Funicle) to the inner side of the ovary.
  2. Depending upon the species of plant involved, an ovary may have one, two, severed or even hundreds of ovules.
  3. At the center of each ovule there is a microscopic embryo sac filled with food and water.
  4. The embryo sac is composed of gametophyte cells.
    gametophyte cells
  5. The majority of flowering plants have an embryo sac consisting of seven cells and eight nuclei.
  6. They are one egg (female gamete), two synergids, one central cell (secondary nucleus) and three antipodals.
  7. Central cell contains two nuclei, they are called polar nuclei.