It is known that some varieties of wheat are sown in autumn but are harvested around next mid summer

It is known that some varieties of wheat are sown in autumn but are harvested around next mid summer.
(i) What could be the probable reason for this ?
(ii) What term is used for this promotion of flowering under low temperature?
(iii) Which plant hormone can replace the cold treatment?
(iv) Give another examples of plants that show two types of varities.

(i) If wheat is sown in the spring, the seeds germinate and produce vegetative plants in the « following summer. In this case, the period of vegetative growth is extended and flowering occurs only in the next summer when the cold requirements is fulfilled during winters. The same variety, if grown in early autumn, produces flowers in the following summer.
(ii) Vernalisation
(iii) Gibberellin hormone.
(iv) Barley and rye.