Is the survey representative of the nearly 700,000

The San Francisco Chronicle reported on a survey of top high-school students in the U.S. According to the survey, Cheating is pervasive. Nearly 80 percent admitted some dishonesty, such as copying someone’s homework or cheating on a exam. The survey was sent last spring to 5,000 of the nearly 700,000 high achievers included in the 1993 edition of Who’s Who Among American High School Students. The results were based on the 1,957 completed surveys that were returned. “The survey does not pretend to be representative of all teenagers,” said Who’s Who spokesman Andrew Weinstein. "Students are listed in Who’s Who if they are nominated by their teachers or guidance counselors. Ninety-eight percent of them go on to college.

a) "Why isn’t the survey “representative of all teenagers”?
b) Is the survey representative “of the nearly 700,000 high achievers included in the 1993 edition of Who’s Who Among American High School Students”?
Answer yes or no, and explain briefly.