Is NAHCO3 an acidic salt or a basic salt? It can be an acidic salt

Is NAHCO3 an acidic salt or a basic salt?
It can be an acidic salt because all its hydrogen ions are not replaced.At the same time,it can be a basic salt beacuse it will further react with an acid to produce a normal salt and it is possible only for a base (or basic salt) to react with an acid.

Sodium bicarbonate is a weak base with pH slightly above 7.
However, Sodium bicarbonate can act as either an acid or a base. Dissolved in water, the pH will be slightly higher than 7, which is basic.
An acid is proton donor. A base is a proton acceptor.
Combined with acetic acid (vinegar), sodium bicarbonate is a base, accepting a proton from the acetic acid (then decomposing to water and carbon dioxide).
H2CO3 → H2O + CO2
However, combined with strong base such as sodium hydroxide, sodium bicarbonate can donate a proton. Hydroxide becomes water, and bicarbonate becomes carbonate.
NaHCO3+ NaOH → H2O + Na2CO3