‘In India, a majority of the population lives below the poverty line. Government is taking pains to lessen poverty.'
Read the above statements and answer the following questions
(a) If you are the member of a commission appointed to suggest the areas/issues concerned with poverty, which issues would you suggest regarding poverty alleviation?
(b) What values/lesson have you learnt from the given statements?
(a) The issues to be tackled which can help in poverty alleviation are
(i) Provide employment opportunities for all levels of people.
(ii) Improve the literacy level of people.
(iii) Improve delivery of healthcare, improve sanitation and arrange provision of sufficient clean drinking water.
(iv) Stop social exclusion of the economically and socially weaker sections.
(b) From the above statements, I have learnt that poverty is the major problem of our country and eradication of poverty is the main target of the government.