In brief state what happens when: dry apricots are left for sometime in pure water and later transferred to sugar solution

In brief state what happens when:

  • dry apricots are left for sometime in pure water and later transferred to sugar solution?
  • a red blood cell is kept in concentrated saline solution?
  • the plasma membrane of a cell breaks down?
  • rheo leaves are boiled in water first and then a drop of sugar syrup is put on it?
  • golgi apparatus is removed from the cell?


  • The apricots swell due to osmosis initially and when transferred to sugar solution shrink again
  • due to exosmosis.
  • RBCs shrink due to exosmosis.
  • It would lead to scattering of cell organelles and there will be no functioning of the organs.
  • There will be no change in cell shape or size because the cells are dead due to boiling.
  • Function of Golgi apparatus is packing, storing and transfer of protein. It would affect the functioning of cell.