The situations which may be termed as the turning points in the convict’s life were
(i) The convict was arrested for stealing money to buy food for his sick wife. He was sent to jail and treated inhumanely that turned him from a normal man into an animal.
(ii) The convict was treated with kindness and given food and shelter by the Bishop. The Bishop was kind towards him, which softened him a little.
(iii) The convict was alone with the candlesticks and could not stop himself from stealing them. In spite of the Bishop’s hospitality and kindness, he stole them and fled away, becoming a criminal again.
(iv) The convict was arrested by the police and produced in front of the Bishop. However, the Bishop forgave him and called him his friend. He even gifted his candlesticks to him. This changed him and he sought the Bishop’s blessings.