How will you separate dyes in black ink using chromatography?

How will you separate dyes in black ink using chromatography? Explain it with the help of a diagram.


  1. Take a thin strip of filter paper.
  2. Draw a line on it using a pencil approx. 3 cm above the lower edge.
  3. Put a small drop of ink with help of a pen at centre of line and let it dry.
  4. Lower the filter paper into a glass jar containing water in such a way that the ink’s drop remains just above the water level. Leave it undisturbed.
  5. Water rises up in the filter paper. Ink drop splits up into its constituents.
    Conclusion: Dye in black ink is a mixture of 2 or 3 colours. The coloured component that is more soluble in the water rises faster and in this way, the colours get separated.