How will you differentiate between green-algae and brown algae ? Give one example of each

Green algae :
1.It belongs to Chlorophyta.
2.Chlorophyll a + b present.
3.Reserve food material is starch.
4.Unicellular to multicellular and may be motile or flagellated.
5.P-carotene and carotenoids are other pigments present in algae.
6.e.g.,Spirogyra, Chlamydomonas.
Brown algae :
1.It belongs to Pheophyta.
2.Chlorophyll a + c present.
3.Reserve food material is Laminarian starch.
4.Fucoxanthin and special carotenoids are present in brown algae.
5.Fucoxanthin and special carotenoids are present in brown algae,
6.e.g.,Fucus and Sargassum.