How is ‘respiration’ different from breathing’? Explain the processes of‘aerobic’ respiration and ‘anaerobic’ respiration

How is ‘respiration’ different from breathing’? Explain the processes of ‘aerobic’ respiration and ‘anaerobic’ respiration.

Breathing: It refers “to the process by which O2 is taken in (inhalation) and CO2 is released out (exhalation), the respiration includes oxidation of food we take in to release energy. The Carbon dioxide (CO2) produced due to it is released out during process of the exhalation.
Aerobic Respiration: In this process, oxidation of food occurs in presence of oxygen (O2). It can be summarised by given equation as-


Anaerobic Respiration: In it, the food is broken down in absence of oxygen (O2) This is also called fermentation. It is more common in microorganisms e.g. yeast.
Sometimes, the pyruvate is converted into lactic acid in the muscles by anaerobic respiration.
